
 05.21.20 My art journal began as just a place to practice my painting, develop my brushstrokes and find confidence with color. As a new artist, there was much to learn and being the perpetual life documenter, this book enabled me to record my growth and eliminate my urge to always throw away what did not deem “good enough”. Eventually, I began to accept the uglies as just another page, their meaning no longer holding the weight that they first did. Page after page after page after page, I painted. There were so many that those ugly ones just got lost in the mix. I began getting a sense of what I liked and what I didn’t, finally feeling as if I was no longer speaking in a foreign tongue. I started to crave my time with my journal as you crave being with someone you love. I was hooked. While I of course have a long way to go, time spent in my journal is no longer for the sake of my art but for the sake of my soul.